Des Joao Ribeiro

João Carlos Ribeiro de Souza was born on August 5, 1965. He graduated in Law in 1990 from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, and specialized in Labour Law from the Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT, in 1998.

He joined the Labour Judicial Branch as a civil servant in the Regional Labour Court of the 3rd Region, in 1987. He took up the position of Substitute District Labour Judge in the Regional Labour Court of the 10th Region (DF, MT, MS, TO) on November 1, 1991. On December 15, 1992, he accessed the list of magistrates of the Regional Labour Court of the 23rd Region, by legal option. He was promoted to the position of Judge-President of the 3rd District Labour Court in Cuiabá, on December 17, 1993. In July 1998 he was promoted to the position of Regional Labour Court Judge of the 23rd Region.

In the 2007/2009 biennium he was President and Inspector of the Regional Labour Court of the 23rd Region. From March 2008 to December 2009 he was a member of the Superior Council for Labour Justice as a counselor. He is Director of the Judicial School of the Regional Labour Court of the 23rd Region since January 2018, having been re-elected in January 2020.

He was a Professor of General Theory of Law and Labour Law and Procedural Labour Law, at the University of Cuiabá - (UNIC) between 1993 and 2000. He is a Professor of Labour Law at the Judicial School of Regional Labour Court of the 23rd Region.

He gave lectures and worked as an instructor in various legal events promoted by the Universities, Regional Labour Courts and by the Federal Court of the 1st Region.

He was a member of Commissions and Examining Boards for Public Tenders for filling the positions of Substitute District Labour Judge in Mato Grosso, Brasília, Goiás and Rondônia (objective test , composition, judicial decision and oral practice).