Justice Walmir Oliveira da Costa

Walmir Oliveira da Costa was born in Irituia (PA) on February 17, 1958. He is graduated in Law and, in 1998, obtained a Master's Degree in Legal-Political Institutions / Labour Law, by the Federal University of Pará. In the 80's, he was a technical assistant and lawyer of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, where he held various positions and chaired commissions.

He joined the labour magistracy through a public tender in 1989, as a substitute District Labour Judge of the 8th Region (PA / AP). As a substitute, he worked in all the District Labour Courts in Belém and in Abaetetuba, Almeirim, Altamira, Castanhal, Macapá and Marabá. In January 1993, he was promoted, by merit and unanimously, to the holder of the District Labour Court of Almeirim and, later, of Abaetetuba and the 1st of Belém.

He presided over the Association of Labour Magistrates of the 8th Region (Amatra VIII) and was a professor in the undergraduate and postgraduate courses of the University of Amazônia (between 1996 and 2003), from Ideal College (PA) (between 2003 and 2004), and in the postgraduate course in Labour Law and Labour Process of the IESB (DF) (between 2009 and 2010).

In 1997, he was promoted, by merit, to Regional Labour Court of the 8th Region. He served as a summoned judge at the Superior Labour Court in ten terms between 2000 and 2007. In November 2007, he took office as a Justice in the TST, in a vacancy destined for the magistracy.

In 1998, he released the book “Danos Morais nas Relações Laborais. Competência e Mensuração”, by Publishing Company Juruá. In 2014, he released the book “Acórdãos Didáticos: Jurisprudência em Recurso de Revista no TST”, by Publishing Company LTR. In 2017, he released the book “Acórdãos Didáticos II: Jurisprudência do TST em Direito Individual e Coletivo do Trabalho”, by Publishing Company LTr, in addition to having articles in various legal books. He was awarded medals, titles and honors.

Member of the Advisory Board of ENAMAT in the 2011-2013 and 2018-2020 administrations. He was a full member of the Documentation Commission of the Superior Labour Court. He was a member of the Jurisprudence Commission of the Superior Labour Court and Counselor of the Superior Council of Labour Justice. President of the 1st Chamber of the Superior Labour Court and is a member of Subsection I of the Specialized Section in Individual Disputes. Member of the National Academy of Labour Law, occupant of Chair No. 75. Member of the National Academy of Sports Law, occupant of Chair No. 32.